Top 7 Best Hikes in Alaska

 A lot of people love to hike. Hiking has a lot of benefits. For example, it gives you the privilege of learning new things and is also a part of exercising. Do you have the desire to hike but don’t know where to go? Alaska is a well-known place for hiking. Thousands of people have found Alaska to be a dashing place for hiking.

There are gorgeous swats of ice, dense woods, turquoise rivers, and dramatic peaks. These beautiful features in Alaska are what have drawn people to visit and hike at this place. Therefore, if you are eager to hike in Alaska but thinking of a place to begin, this article will discuss the best places for hiking in Alaska.

Top 7 Best Hikes In Alaska

Reed Lakes Trail

Reed Lakes Trail Best Hikes in Alaska
Reed Lakes Trail

Reed lake trail is a gorgeous place to be. It has beautiful waterfalls, towering granite walls, two alpine lakes, and stunning glaciers.

The bomber glacier has a history of six men who encountered a crash in 1957 and died at the spot. There are lots of wilderness trails you will come across if you are to get to Talkeetna Mountain.

The Kenai River Trail

The Kenai River Trail
The Kenai River Trail

The Kenai River Canyon has beautiful views that you can not take your eyes off. What you have to do is to take half a mile down the trail to get a view of the stunning river.

An upper trail starts 0-6 miles and starts from 2-3 miles of Skilak Lake Road. These are244 the only two trailheads in the Kenai River Trail.

The Chilkoot Trail

The Chilkoot Trail
The Chilkoot Trail

Suppose you follow the historical root between Bennett (British Columbia, Canada) and Dyea (Alaska). The population of over 3000 people spends 3-5 days to come here every summer. It is a lovely place to hike, with excellent serene, historic sites and extraordinary adventures in the Chilkoot Trail.

It is essential to call the Trail center in Skagway to register a backpacking permit before starting a trial. Only 50 hikes Are allowed per day in Canada parks and must hold up to 8 permits. Hence, it is wise to reserve your permit in advance if you intend to walk from mid-July to mid-August. It is essential to bring along with you your passport because it is required.

Exit Glacier

Exit Glacier
Exit Glacier

Exit Glaciers offers a lot of opportunities. For example, you will benefit from the opportunity to have a private view of the glaciers. There are also Harding ice field Trail, Crevasse exploration Glacier and interpretive glaciology in the Exit Glacier.

It provides you with lots more opportunities like hiking tours, historic downtown tours, overnight journeys, and helicopter tours. Is that not amazing?

Heney Ridge Trail

Heney Ridge Trail
Heney Ridge Trail

The end of the Whistled Rd is where the route of the bridge begins. It is a very popular trail that incorporates multiple ecosystems. Through the wilderness and forests, you can hike a quiet 2mile climb to the tree.

It would help if you took a rubber boot along with you because of the rainy weather. The rubber booth will help you escape the plenty of mud during the winter period.

Resurrection River Trail

Resurrection River Trail
Resurrection River Trail

This Resurrection River Trail is an expensive and challenging Trail to handle. You may come across the natural hassles (boggy patches, downed trees, and so on). This Trail has a connection between Seward and Hope.

These places provide many opportunities like an incredible wilderness adventure using lakes, rivers, alpine areas, and streams.

Harding Ice Field

Harding Ice Field
Harding Ice Field

This place is close to Exit Glacier, just a 6-8 hours trip. It is a very popular 4-mile trail. A map surveyed team had history on how the 8 coatal glaciers seem undiscovered until the early 1900s

Discovering these places needs extreme caution because of bears. Most times, it is wise to leave the undiscovered places in the care of an experienced glacier-travelers.


Hiking at these places is an extraordinarily remarkable and exciting experience. Alaska has beautiful and numerous places for hiking. You can, therefore, take along with you a map that will guide you to the listed places and lots more unique places to hike.


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